Thursday 4 December 2014

Star Wars Episode 7!!

Hello, I'm back, but now we have Star Wars Episode 7 coming out!

Star Wars Episode 7 is continuing from Episode 6. As you may already know, George Lucas have sold Star Wars to Disney, and Disney is making Star Wars Episode 7. Disney has also made a new cartoon animation of Star Wars. It's called "Star Wars Rebels." In this post I'll talk about Star Wars Episode 7.

It's coming out on December 18, 2015, and the director is J.J Abrams. Recently he has made a trailer of what he's been doing so far. Here's the trailor.

What did you think of the triple sided lightsaber? It's awesome. Who's the storm trooper at the beginning? All I know, is that he may turn on the good side, because he looks like he's running away, also there's new Storm trooper helmet.

Also, what some other people have figured out is that the narrator is the voice of Seisor in the movie, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", and "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes."

There's a lot of questions you have in your mind, but all we need is patience.

Look at this lightsaber!

We now know that the Millennium Falcon is definitely in the movie.
To me it looks newer.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

The Future of Star Wars

The Star Wars saga ended at Episode 6. George Lucas, the director of Star Wars, sold Star Wars to Disney. Disney had decided to make the Star Wars saga continue. On 2015 Disney is making Star Wars Episode 7. I hope it's good. I read in a book that Han Solo and Princess Lea married and the had children. Those children become Jedi and Luke Skywalker trains them and the Jedi Knights come back. I've also read that Darth Sideous comes back alive wearing Darth Vader's mask so he could breath. I think he's going to train some other Sith and the Sith come back. Then the war starts again. I'm very excited that Episode 7 is finally coming out.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

People Should Watch Star Wars

          Have you ever heard of the movie called Star Wars? Well I have, actually I'm a big fan of Star Wars. What people need to know is that Star Wars is a great movie and more people should start watching Star Wars more often, because it has a lot of fighting scenes, it has a whole new galaxy with different planets and the saga never ends!
          So, we can move on to my first reason. Star Wars has a lot of fighting scenes. To add on, an example in the Star Wars movie was when Anakin was turning to the dark side and Obi-Wan was trying to stop him. They both have a huge fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan face-to-face. They were fighting on a planet that was full of lava. They had to stay on platforms so they wouldn't land on lava. It was a very cool part of Star Wars. Another example in the movie is when the Jedi figured out that Chancellor Palpatine was an evil Sith Lord! Four Jedi were ordered to kill him. Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto and Sasse Tine. "Chancellor," Mace Windu had said in the movie. "You are under arrest." Then they were all fighting.The Chancellor had killed Agen Kolar, Sasse Tin and Kit Fisto in one blow. It was a very cool fight. At the end the Chancellor had killed Mace Windu with Anakin to the rescue. My favorite fighting scene is when Obi-Wan was ordered to kill General Grievous. General Grievous has two arms that can split into four arms in total and he has four lightsabers. He's half alien and half cyborg. Obi-Wan never gave up. He brought his clone troopers to fight Grievous's battle droids. Grievous soon had been destroyed when Obi-Wan was hanging of a cliff and he grabbed a battle droid's gun and shot Grievous in the heart and Grievous fell to the floor and died. Can you believe that? Obi-Wan who is a human, destroyed a four arm cyborg/alien! That was one of the best parts of the Star Wars movies.
          Have you understanded my first reason? I hope you did. In the rest of my blog you're going to realize why Star Wars is the best movie. So we can now move on the my second reason. Star Wars is the best movie because it has a whole new galaxy with new planets. One cool planet in Star Wars is called Coruscant. The whole planet is one giant city! The Jedi Temple is there and the Senate is there. Even I still don't know about about Coruscant yet! There's a lot of things about it. Another cool planet in Star Wars is called Geonosis. That planet is all desert. A huge war was held there. It was called the battle of Geonosis. The cool thing about that planet is that there's a lot of sand dunes. It's just like a normal desert but better. It has a lot of tall buildings that look like it's made of sand. Now we can finally move on to talk about my favorite planet! It is called Mustafar! This planet is all lava. There's some platforms. There's even a system there, but it broke down when Anakin was fighting Obi-Wan. The planet is like Antarctica, but the ice are big black rocks and the water is lava. There's thousands of volcanoes there. When Anakin and Obi-Wan were fighting there, they were dodging a lot of lava coming out of the volcanoes. It's a very crazy planet, if you ask me, but it's the best planet.
          I can't wait to move on to my last reason. I hope you've understanded my second reason. My last reason is that the Star Wars saga never ends. After they made the last Star Wars episode Return of the Jedi, they made something called the Clone Wars. It was in between episode 2 and 3. They made it because you only get to see clones a little bit. So in the Clone Wars there's a lot of clones. There were tons of new characters. Like Savage Opress, Ahsoka Tano and much more. Even Darth Maul came back to life and joined forces with Savage Opress. That made the Clone Wars last longer. The Clone Wars ended with Ashoka Tano leaving the Jedi Council, which was very sad, but they didn't stop making Star Wars. George Lucas, the director of Star Wars, sold Star Wars to Disney and now Disney is making more Star Wars movies continuing from The Return of The Jedi and they are never going to stop making them until they get tired.
          I really hope I've inspired you to watch Star Wars. It has a lot of cool battles, it has a whole new world with new planets that we've never heard of and most of all, the Star Wars saga never ends. If you want to know, my favorite characters are Darth Maul and Anakin Skywalker. I really hope you watch Star Wars!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Jedi and Sith

Jedi are the good guys in Star Wars. They try to keep peace in the galaxy. They make peace treaties with other planets. Some good Jedi are Yoda, Anakin, Obi-Wan and much more. The three highest members of the Jedi are Yoda, Mace Windu and Kiadi- Mundai. Well Yoda is highest of all Jedi.
The Jedi Council is where all powerful and important Jedi come gather in the Jedi Council Room an they have a lot of meetings. The Jedi's enemy are the Sith.
These are most of the Jedi that are in the
Jedi Council

The Sith are the evil guys in Star Wars. Sith always try to stop Jedi from winning the war. Some powerful Sith are Darth Maul, Darth Sideous, Darth Tyrannous and Darth Vader. The Sith have special powers they know the force like Jedi do but they can shoot out lighting from their hands.
This is Darth Sideous, Darth Vader, Darth Tyrannous, and Darth Maul

Friday 11 October 2013

Darth Sideous

Darth Sideous is a great and powerful Sith Lord. He was the master of Darth Maul, Count Dooku and Darth Vader. Darth Sideous killed his own master and he was the ruler of the Sith. He was pretending to be in the Jedi's side during Episode 1 and 2. He was pretending to be in the Senate and he was called Chancellor Palpatine. During Episode 3 the Jedi figured out that Chancellor Palpatine was really Darth Sideous. Darth Sideous escaped with his new apprentice, Darth Vader and started to make a new base which was the Death Star. At Episode 6 Darth Vader had killed Darth Sideous, because Darth Vader was turning to the Jedi side.

This is Darth Sideous

Star Wars Book Talk

Hello I'm Neil. Today I'll be sharing with you this book called Star Wars The Way Of The Jedi. It's a good book because the main character is you and you get to choose different paths to go. It's like a game but its in a book. The book is about when you become a padawan and you go on your first mission. But if you choose the wrong path then you'll die and your mission is over. I really think you should read it and I hope you like this video. I also like this book because this book is all about Star Wars.

Thursday 10 October 2013

The Battle of Geonosis

The Battle of Geonosis is in Episode 3. It's when Anakin, Padme and Obi Wan get captured by Count Dooku, and Mace Windu and a lot of other Jedi try to rescue them. Then a big war happens, between the Jedi and Battle Droids. A lot of Jedi die during the war. Even a bounty hunter Jango Fett died when Mace Windu cut of his head. Soon the Jedi get surrounded by the battle droids. But Master Yoda had just brought the clone troopers and Yoda rescued the Jedi.

This is when Yoda and the clone troopers rescue the Jedi
The clone troopers are on the right side of this picture with the white armor

Monday 16 September 2013

Anakin Skywalker turning to Darth Vader

In Star Wars Episode 3 Anakin Skywalker was turning evil. He thought the Jedi Council did not trust him. He got angry. Anakin wanted to be a Jedi Master. When Anakin was a kid, all the Jed thought the Anakin could destroy the Sith. But instead he joined the Sith. He was tricked by Chancellor Palpatine who was really a sith lord spying on the Jedi. He was the Sith, Darth Sideous! The Sith were winning in the war against the Jedi. Anakin made the clones join the Sith and the Sith had a new empire!

This is Anakin and Darth Vader, but they are the same.
The one on the right is when Anakin was a Jedi
The one on the left is when he is a Sith called Darth Vader

Sunday 15 September 2013

Master Yoda

Yoda is a very powerful Jedi knight. Even though he is very small he is very powerful. He is the head of the Jedi and also the Jedi Council. Yoda has a green lightsaber. No one noes where he is from. A lot of Jedi try to guess where Yoda is from. Yoda has trained a lot of Jedi. The last Jedi he trained was Luke Skywalker. After that he died of old age. One of Yoda's quotes is, "Do or do not!! There is no try!!" It means that there is no try. You can do it, or don't do it. The last person he fought was Darth Sideous. It was when the Sith was getting stronger. Yoda had challenged Darth Sideous for a fight. Well Yoda had lost, but he didn't die.

This is what Yoda looks like

Saturday 14 September 2013

Bounty Hunters

Bounty Hunters work on both sides in Star Wars. They get paid for doing there work. So whoever has the highest amount, the bounty hunters will work for them. Most bounty hunters work for the Sith, because bounty hunters are kind of evil, but sometimes they work or the Jedi. Some good Bounty Hunters are: Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Embo, Cad Bane and a few others.
This is Boba Fett.
He has a lot of gadjets in his armor

Friday 13 September 2013


In Episode 2, Yoda goes to Kamino which is where the clones are from. He wants the clones to be on the Jedi's side. Clones are humans that have the same DNA. They got the DNA from the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Clones have a lot of armor and they have guns. In Episode 2 the Jedi had just made a clone army. There are captains, commanders, Arc troopers and regular soldiers in the clone army. Some good clones are: Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Fives and Echo.

This is Captain Rex
Behind him are a lot of other clone troopers

Thursday 12 September 2013

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is Anakin Skywalker's son. Luke was the last Jedi to live until Darth Sideous was killed by Darth Vader. Luke Skywalker was trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda. When he was fighting Darth Vader, he never knew that Darth Vader was Luke's father. Luke Skywalker wanted to kill Darth Vader because, he heard rumors that Darth Vader had killed Luke's father. Luke Skywalker has a green lightsaber, but before he had a green lightsaber, he was using his father's lightsaber which was a blue lightsaber.

This is Luke Skywalker with his green lightsaber

General Grevious

General Grievous is a robot who works for the Sith. He has two arms and both of his arms can split into two other arms. So in total General Grievous has four arms. He was trained by Count Dooku. General Grievous has four Jedi lightsabers. He stole them from the Jedi that he killed. General Grievous has bodyguards called Magna Guards. They have double sided spears with electric on each side. General Grievous can't use the force, but he has other powers that humans can't use. He is the leader of the droid army. But General Grievous died in Episode 3 when Obi-Wan killed him.

This General Grievous with his four arms

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Han Solo and Chewbacca

Han Solo is random guy who helps Luke Skywalker and the rebels. Han Solo's partner is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a furry animal who helps Han Solo. Chewbacca likes to be called Chewy. Chewy uses a crossbow that shoots out gun bullets so it's like a gun. Han Solo uses a pistol for his weapon. Han an Chewy were helping the rebels destroy the Death Star. Han Solo owns his spaceship which is called the Millennium Falcon. Han Solo marries Princess Lea which is Luke Skywalker's sister.

This is Han Solo and Chewbacca
Behind them is Han's own ship

Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Death Star

The Death Star is a big weapon that was created by Darth Vader and Darth Sideous. It can destroy any kind of planet with it's big laser. It was the base for the Sith during Episode 4,5 and 6. Inside the Death Star is a lot of thins. It has a big shield. In Episode 4 part of the Death Star was destroyed by Luke Skywalker and the rebels, but in Episode 5 the Sith repaired and fixed the Death Star. In Episode 6, the Death Star was destroyed completely by Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. The person who had the idea of making the Death Star was Darth Tyrannous. But he died in Episode 3.

This is the Death Star shooting out the laser at a ship

Monday 9 September 2013

Darth Maul

Darth Maul is a powerful Sith Lord. He has a double sided lightsaber and he's a master at martial arts. He is my favorite Sith Lord. Darth Maul's master is Darth Sideous. Darth Maul was only in Episode 1 and he was in the Clone Wars. In Episode 1 Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi were fighting face to face against Darth Maul. During the battle Darth Maul had killed Qui-Gon Jin. Obi-Wan was very upset and killed Darth Maul, by cutting him in half. In the Clone wars, Darth Maul somehow came back alive. His brother Savage Opress had repaired him. Now Darth Maul is half human and half robot.

This is Darth Maul with his brother Savage Opress
Darth Maul is the one in the front and his brother is behind him

Sunday 8 September 2013

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi is Anakin's Master. Obi-Wan is a good Jedi Knight. He has a blue lightsaber and he can use the force. Obi-Wan's master was Qui-Gon Jin. Qui-Gon had died when Darth Maul killed him. Then Obi-Wan had killed Darth Maul. When Obi Wan had died because he wanted to save Luke Skywalker's life. Darth Vader had killed Obi Wan. After Obi Wan had died he became a ghost. It's like you can't die anymore. Yoda and Anakin also became ghosts.

This is Obi Wan Kenobi