Sunday, 15 September 2013

Master Yoda

Yoda is a very powerful Jedi knight. Even though he is very small he is very powerful. He is the head of the Jedi and also the Jedi Council. Yoda has a green lightsaber. No one noes where he is from. A lot of Jedi try to guess where Yoda is from. Yoda has trained a lot of Jedi. The last Jedi he trained was Luke Skywalker. After that he died of old age. One of Yoda's quotes is, "Do or do not!! There is no try!!" It means that there is no try. You can do it, or don't do it. The last person he fought was Darth Sideous. It was when the Sith was getting stronger. Yoda had challenged Darth Sideous for a fight. Well Yoda had lost, but he didn't die.

This is what Yoda looks like

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